Mike Stefanko ('70) states that he has mixed volunteering for SURF with a project for the Association for Criminal Justice Research (CA). I was a session chair at both the Summer SURF Seminar Day and the recent SURF Seminar Day. It is inspiring to hear about the quality research these undergraduates do during their summer. My other volunteer work was assisting in the design of a new website for this research organization ( and keeping adding information for an upcoming conference.
Mike Stefanko
Richard Beatty (’77) reported a couple of issues ago that he had retired from JPL, looking forward to devoting more time to various charitable organizations and possibly starting some new ones. He’s back at JPL in a consulting capacity, and also taking on new tasks with the Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance (, providing health education and rural medical care in East Africa.
Richard Beatty
Peter Hung (’08, ’16) has finally finished his Ph.D.! He is now working at the Aerospace Corporation as a member of the technical staff.
Peter Hung
Kevin Noertker ('09) has been on the move in 2016. He traveled to 16 countries, left his position at Northrop Grumman after 7 years, and founded an aerospace startup company focused on delivering high-performance electric passenger aircraft. He now resides in Temecula, California.
Kevin Noertker